We all know for a fact that the bond between siblings is unbreakable! It's fun to grow up with people who can be your friends and at the same time a sibling.
But how is it really like to grow up in a family consisting of six brothers and it turns out that you're the only girl?
Cher and Stephen Lair already have six boys when they found out that they are having another baby. And to their surprise, the baby's a girl!
The six brothers named Houston, Jackson, Campbell, Knox, Sawyer and Sheperd, 5, 13, 10, 2, 7 and 4 respectively, showed how much they care for their baby girl named Ruby Jane.
You can clearly see how these guys are being protective with their baby sister by the way they speak.
They claim that they'll be Ruby Jane's protector! This is truly a memory that the Lair family won't ever forget!