70 years had passed since the US dropped atomic bombs in the port of Nagasaki which leads the Japanese government to surrender and end the World War II in the Pacific! It has been 70 long years, yet the nightmare of the war still remains in the heart of many Japanese survivors!
Meet the 86-year-old Sumitery Taniguchi, one of the living survivors of the atomic blast that destroyed the Nagasaki port.
70 years had already passed yet all the scars are still embedded in his entire body. He was left in the web-like marks, three rotten ribs against his lungs and a disabled arm.
He claims that he was just 16 when the US decided to transfer the bomb and drop it to Nagasaki. 70,000 lives were taken away and a lot of people were wounded!
He even showed photos showing off how his back was burned. While receiving treatments, he can still recall that he heard the nurses asking if he's still alive or not because of how injured he was.
He and his group of friends wished and hoped that the Nagasaki nightmare won't happen again!